Internet Crime Attorney in Los Angeles, California

Posting Illegal Content Online
The internet has brought endless knowledge and resources to people around the world. It can connect people with information, culture, and entertainment. There are many benefits and advantages to the internet, but there are also possibilities for harmful or illegal activity.
If you’ve been charged with an internet-related crime, you don’t have to face the process alone. William Kroger, Attorney at Law, is an experienced internet fraud lawyer that can help you understand the charges against you.
There are many types of activities and classifications of crimes that can be committed online. These would include things like cyberstalking, hacking, cyberbullying, and making threats, to name a few. The online element is potentially damaging in any of these situations. Having an electronic record of a crime you’ve committed is not generally recommended, as it can and often is used against you in a trial.
Cyberstalking and Online Harassment
Cyberstalking, which is also referred to as online harassment or electronic harassment, is a type of stalking that falls into a different category in the California Penal Code than the traditional type of stalking. There are two different kinds of online harassment – direct and indirect. Both are considered cyberstalking crimes.
Cyberstalking is governed by California Penal Codes § 646.9 and 653.2, and it involves threatening or harassing someone to the extent that they fear for their safety. To qualify as cyberstalking, the threats or harassing behavior must occur via:
- Text messages;
- Telephone;
- Email;
- Social media;
- Video message; of
- Another electronic device or online site.
This is a broad range of methods and mediums that could qualify someone’s actions as cyberstalking. Contact computer crimes defense attorney in Los Angeles, William Kroger.
Revenge Porn in Los Angeles
Nonconsensual pornography is often referred to as revenge porn, and it is an illegal activity under California law. The victim in these cases is initially aware that the sexual activity is being recorded but never consents to it being shared with any third party. Distributing these images or videos without permission constitutes revenge porn under California Penal Code § 647(j)(4).
It is worth noting that situations in which one of the parties is unaware that they are being filmed would qualify as invasion of privacy and is a different classification of crime.
Child Pornography in California
Under California law, child pornography occurs when someone knowingly sends, produces, possesses, or duplicates any material depicting sexual conduct by a person under the age of 18. This offense is discussed in California Penal Code § 311.11. This statute is broad and can include anything from camera film to emails to digital media files. A crucial element of these charges is whether or not the defendant knew of the existence and nature of the material at the time of possession.
Identity Theft Online
There are multiple types of identity theft included in California law, but online identity theft often involves any kind of fraud over the internet. It can include the unauthorized use of another person’s credit or debit card or even simply using someone else’s email address. California statutes also count falsely impersonating another person online as identity theft. William Kroger is a top-rated internet crime lawyer, knowledgeable in California Penal Code § 530.5 and skilled at defending his clients against identity theft charges.
Most people imagine sophisticated and skilled hackers breaching electronic security walls to damage or change data on network servers or siphon money from financial accounts. However, something as simple as unauthorized access to someone else’s computer or another electronic device can also be classified as hacking. In some instances, similar actions could be considered invasion of privacy as opposed to hacking. However, either way, it is regarded as a crime. If you have questions about the difference between these two crimes, reach out to William Kroger for clarification.
The Right L.A. County Attorney for Your Case
If you or someone you care about has been charged with an internet crime in California, you will need an experienced internet crime attorney you can trust. William Kroger has long been a tireless defender of the rights of the accused, and he has the expertise to fight for you. To discuss your case, call William S. Kroger at 323-655-5700.