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DUI Expungement Lawyer | Los Angeles California

William Kroger DUI Expungement Lawyer

A DUI (driving under the influence) conviction can have long-lasting consequences. Even after getting your license back and paying thousands of dollars in fines and fees, the consequences of a DUI in California can make it hard to secure a job, a loan, or affordable insurance.

Is it Possible to Expunge a DUI in California?

To begin the process of DUI expungement in the state of California, you must first complete your probation. After finishing probation, you can petition the court to expunge your record. A judge will look at your request and determine if you are eligible. If the judge agrees, you can:

  • Withdraw your guilty or “no contest” plea and enter a “not guilty” plea, or
  • If you were found guilty at trial, the judge will set aside the verdict.

Then, the judge will dismiss the case. This process usually takes up to four months, sometimes sooner.

To qualify for a DUI expungement in the state of California for a misdemeanor or felony, you must:

  • Not have served time in state prison.
  • If you served time, it must have been in county jail following Proposition 47.
  • Complete probation, which may include DUI school or community service.

However, if you had a serious felony DUI involving in severe injury or death that resulted in state prison time, you might not qualify for expungement.

Why Should You Get Your DUI Expunged?

Having any criminal offense on your record, especially a DUI, can make life much harder. Having a DUI on a background check can hinder your ability to drive legally and impact approval for applications from jobs to loans. Removing a DUI from your record helps you live a more comfortable and worry-free life.

When Can I Expunge My California DUI Conviction?

Generally, if you did not serve time in state prison, you can qualify for DUI expungement in the state of California after completing probation. However, different types of DUI cases and convictions have specific requirements and timelines for expungement.

For instance, a “wet reckless” is a reduced charge from a DUI, where the defendant pleads guilty or no contest to reckless driving involving alcohol. This plea bargain often results in less severe penalties compared to a standard DUI conviction, and can be easier to expunge from your record. Those with a “wet reckless” conviction are usually eligible for expungement upon completing probation.

Why Do You Need a Lawyer for DUI Expungement in the State of California?

The DUI expungement process in California is complex and requires a thorough understanding of the law. Having a DUI lawyer by your side can greatly improve your chances of getting your DUI expunged and make the legal process smoother and less stressful.

Contact an Experienced DUI Lawyer in Los Angeles

Need a Top DUI Lawyer in Los Angeles? William Kroger, Attorney at Law, Has Years of Experience With DUI Cases and Can Make the Legal Process Easier for You. If You or a Loved One Has Been Accused of Driving Under the Influence, Call William S. Kroger Today at 323-655-5700 to Schedule a Free Consultation. Count on Us to Assist You Through This Tough Time.


1. How Long Does a DUI Expungement in the State of California Take?

Expunging a DUI in the state of California usually takes about three to four months. The timeline may vary due to factors like court scheduling.

2. Can You Get Multiple DUIs Expunged at the Same Time?

Yes, you can seek to expunge multiple DUIs at the same time in California. Each DUI must be eligible for expungement, and you need to file separate requests for each one.

Client Reviews

"I would highly recommend Mr. Kroger for anyone seeking help in a drug case. He was very helpful at putting me at ease and took care of everything for me in court." Paul
"My first time using an attorney Bill Kroger took care if my issue that could have turned into something much worse in no time. The best." Stephen W
Bill and his team have helped my business tremendously. Friendly and easy to work with. Highly recommend! Ammar